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Microwave Digestion System

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Microwave Digestion System

Microwave Digestion offers high-pressure and temperature systems in order to increase reaction rates and decrease digestion times for sample preparation for trace metal analysis. Our range of microwave digestion systems offers low cost solutions for easy, quick and safe sample preparation. This is ideal for environmental, agricultural, nutrition, geochemistry, petrochemical and clinical applications.

The equipment is provided with SRC (Single Reaction Chamber) technology is revolutionizing microwave digestion. Unlike closed vessel digestion which employs a separate vessel for each sample, all samples are placed simultaneously in the SRC for microwave digestion under high temperature and pressure conditions. Since identical digestion conditions are used for all samples, any combination of sample types can be safely and successfully digested in the same run. Maximum run capacity is 15 samples and maximum 77 samples is faster than closed vessel digestion due to its very rapid heating and cool down time.

The sample capacity rack can be increased as per customer needs. 

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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